Thursday, October 3, 2013

Coaches Corner #3

I can't believe we have just finished the first half of league.  Time flies when you're having fun.  So far both teams have been competing well and getting better.  I'm excited about the potential to get better and do some damage in the coming month as we finish league and head into the playoffs.  We still have a lot of work to do.  We still have to get better.  Every single day, every one of us must get better.  The team only gets better if we are all getting better.  Every one of you must step up your game if we are going to take this thing to the next level.  I believe we can.  I hope you do too.  Let's go!

Chew on this...

Good teams win the games they are supposed to win.  But it's not always IF you win the game, but HOW you win (or play) the game that matters.  No matter who you are playing against, you MUST show up with the mindset of dominating every aspect of the game, every time you play.  Great teams win the game by dominating and executing at the highest level no matter who they are playing against.  Don't settle people.  Don't be good - be GREAT - every time you get into the water.  This is HOW you compete and win well. 

A HUGE thanks to all the parents who have volunteered and helped at our home games so far.  You all are doing a fantastic job.  Thanks for being the best group of parents in Oregon.  Appreciate the Lincoln family very much.

Keep it up!


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