Sunday, November 9, 2014

Lady Cards to State Championship games this week!

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 3:30 to 5:00.  Boys continue to attend and do your best imitations of tough West Albany and Tualatin players.
Playoff games:
Semi-finals Friday, November 14, at 6:10.  Girls arrive at 5:00.
Fans, arrive anytime!  We need to rally the flock for these games - if you know any water polo or Lincoln alumni at OSU, please pass the word. 
The girls will play again Saturday, hopefully in the final game at 5:45.  We will email and text final game info after Friday's game.
Games are again at:
Osborn Aquatic Center1940 NW Highland Drive
Oregon  97330
We have a lot to celebrate this year - looking forward to seeing you all at the banquet Sunday, November 16, 5:00 at the MAC.


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